study makes me MENTAL ( Part 2 )


when u wake up in the morning, whats run in ur head?
a) 'its it lunch time already?'
b) 'where is everbody?'
c) 'what can i do to the world today?'
d) 'i wonder if she is at the college'

my answer : FFFF

when u wake up in the morning, what do u expect to happen to u?
a) 'i will finish MSK n CNS by today'
b) 'i wanna go see a movie'
c) 'i think Ali will do futsal today'
d)'i hope i can make her smile today'

my answer : FFFF


Explain what is happiness?

-happiness is a emotional feeling where you started to loss control of yourself. there are several factor which can suppress the happiness
1) when there are books and notes around u
2) overhear group discussion talking about some stupid pathophysiology
3) when u pin point the liver is located at the pectoral region
4) increase frequency of saying' i think ive heard about it somewhere'
5) negative thought when the lecturer is smiling at u - the exam sure damn hard
6) when ur favorite football team lost at home - disgrace losing
7) u have to wait more then 2 hour for a simple food eg: nasi goreng biase + telur dadar
8) 1st message that comes to ur inbox - 'discussion kul 8pm, jgn lambat'
9) etc which related to urself

there are several factor which can contribute to happiness
1) friends
2) music
3) jamming
4) religious approach
5) kuji
6) longkai
7) karoke
8) futsal
9) if u see her :))


picture 1

1) explain what do u see in da picture

- no idea

2) explain the pathophysiology of the act

- lack of activity -- increase in fat deposition at gluteal region -- mood depression -- going crazy

3) give the appropiate investigation that can be done for this patient

-FBC -- check for Hb level to exclude any anemia which lead to malaise and fatigue
-Genetic assay -- detect the chromosom Bd.K.Bhn which have association to mood depresion
-complete History -- access the social history which may have related to the Kuji's cycle
-- access the association of zawir, faiz n kencang to his life

picture 2

1) descibe the picture given above

- aroy is trying to express his frustration emotion

2) give the appropriate treatment for this patient

-phenytoin -- to prevent the recurrent epileptic attack
-B blocker -- to reduce the anxity disorder
-BZD -- to treat sleep disorder
-antacid -- reduce the stomach cramps
-muscarinic blocker -- reduce the gut motility
-bronchodilator -- increase the smelling sensitivity

picture 3

1) describe the microscopic view of this picture

- err......1 megapixel? bukan aroy ke?

2) explain the pathogenesis of the picture

- what?? aroy arr hahahahaha

3) list out the investigation that can be done


picture 4

1) in one word, describe the picture


2) in two word, describe the picture

- friend n ship ( daa~ )

3) the prognosis of the related picture

- 'bersama - selamanye' ooyeah


Anonymous said...

detect chromosome Bd.K.Bhn??? ahhahahahahah nice one

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